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Why Ray Yoga Studio

“Purna Kriya” flow- Unique and Complete Process

Yoga is not limited to the only stretching and yoga poses. These are only parts of a flow of yoga exercises. Ray Yoga is the only one yoga studio in Mississauga, Brampton and Toronto which follows entire flow for complete yoga exercises.


“Purna Kriya” is a complete yoga flow combining Yoga Sadhanas (Yogic Practices) introduced by our yoga instructor first in Canada. The process not only includes yoga poses but also other yoga practices to nurture physical and mental health. Purna Kriya does not demand any life style changes. This simple tool transform your uncontrolled body chemistry into controlled mode. We spend money and time on modern gadgets but we devote no time for the most sophisticated gadget in the world. This gadget is our body. At Ray Yoga classes in Mississauga we employ Purna Kriya as a very powerful tool to understand and practise the intelligence and technology of our body. Yogis learn to look inside their body, control their breathings, strengthen their anatomy, remove their stress and live the most joyful life.


We Are ‘Original-From-Origin’ Yoga Classes in Mississauga

Yoga is ancient yet modern, constant but evolving. This art and science of healthy living originated in India 5,000 or more years ago. Modern yoga gurus (instructors) carried this powerful yogic science across the globe. Our yoga instructor Ray C. was born in the ‘origin’ of yoga i.e., India and had the opportunity to learn yoga from renowned yoga gurus. He learned the ‘original’ yoga flow and practiced from his gurus. He is dedicated to introduce the ‘original’ flow of yoga practice in his yoga studio in Mississauga. We are confident that our ‘Original-From-Origin’ yoga classes in Mississauga will satisfy the principles of yoga. Seal and fossil found in India show the presence of Yoga in India

Ancient Yoga Poses

Each Class is Unique in Ray Yoga Studio in Mississauga

Not only are the flow of our yoga classes unique but also our yoga classes. We do not want to limit our classes with the same breathing techniques or yoga poses. In our yoga classes in Mississauga we make sure you are safe and the classes fulfill the purposes. Our yoga classes are uniquely customs tailored to unite your body, mind and spirit. We practise different pranayama and asana alternatively in our yoga classes to massage all your cells, release all your stress and remove all your diseases. We do believe that we don’t live to do yoga; we do yoga to keep ourselves happy and healthy.


Yoga Instructor Does Yoga with You in Our Yoga Classes in Mississauga

We do not just give robotic instructions to ‘bend your knees and put your right thigh on top of your left, then tuck your right foot behind your left calf’. Our yoga instructor does each and every exercise, pranayama and asana with you. He offers modifications and alterations for both beginner and advanced yogis as per their requirements. In our yoga studio in Mississauga yogis have the opportunity to watch the live demo so that they can follow the right way to do the right postures.


We Don’t Prove We Improve in Ray Yoga Studio in Mississauga

In our yoga classes in Mississauga we encourage our yogis to improve their yoga journey, not to prove themselves. Our yogis always grow through their yoga practices instead go through. The environment of our yoga studio is absolutely competition free.


The level of experience of one yogi is different from another. One yogi is more flexible than other. Strengths and weaknesses always varies. Therefore comparison is unfair and it destructs yogis from their focus. We develop a culture in our yoga studio in Mississauga where yogis are inspired by fellow yogis and set up their own goals for improvements. Our yogis always feel that they are practising with their own brothers, sisters or friends. There is no “perfect pose” in yoga as there are always few rooms to improve. You may lose something good, but surely you will gain much better in our competition free yoga classes.


Unlimited Collaboration with Yogis at our Yoga Studio in Mississauga

We are a family environment yoga studio in Mississauga where yogis feel comfortable and develop unlimited collaboration with peers and instructor. In a small class size our friendly instructor focuses on your needs more closely and makes corrections on your styles. Instructor in our yoga classes in Mississauga is always mindfully present so that you can achieve your yoga-goal authentically and efficiently.


Whether you are new or experienced in yoga, we are always with you to guide. Unique customs-tailored class approach strengthens collaboration resulting in focused and relaxed yogis. The unlimited collaboration establish our common goal uniting our body, mind and spirit.

What Our Yogis Say

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