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Kids Yoga Classes

In the hurry-up world kids grow up with school pressures, video games addiction, competitive mentalities, busy parents and consequently they grow up without happiness. Yoga for kids is a helpful tool to make the little ones happy. It is the only exercise for kids which brings them to a place of limitless happiness.


Key to Success in Future

The Modern world moves very fast and kids require coping skills to encounter challenges. Only a child with sound body and sound mind can manage notable academic success and balanced childhood. Studies proved that kids who attend kids yoga classes, are more successful academically, carrier wise and in social life.

Yoga Classes for Kids
Yoga Poses

Yoga for Kids Enrich Flexibility

Physical flexibility is extremely valuable for children. Kids yoga boosts blood circulation, muscle tension, breathing techniques and enhance body flexibility.

Yoga Poses

Concentration Level goes High through our Yoga Classes for Kids

It is common for kids to lose focus on their activities. Regular practise of kids yoga increases concentration and get better grades.

Reduce Stress through Regular Yoga Classes for Kids

In Canada stress is an issue for kids as well. Relaxation technique in kids yoga helps little boys and girls to overcome anxiety, depression and stress.

Meditation Yoga Poses

Yoga Makes Future Leaders

Practicing kids-yoga fosters self-respect and self-esteem to future leaders. Yoga also promotes mind-body connection which bring happiness and success to kids’ future.

Yoga Poses

Advantage of Our Kids Yoga Classes


We study each and every kids during the classes, meet their parents and find out the best solutions through yoga teachings. Our loving, responsive, and creative yoga environment is available for stressful kids or overweight kids, naughty kids or shy kids and we turn them into HAPPY YOGI KIDS.

We just follow the simple steps and act with kids to implement:

Know Your Breath

Pranayam (breathing techniques) help kids in two ways. Breathing exercises purifies blood and release toxins from body. Tiny hearts of the kids get adequate air and it energize them. It helps in allergies, respiratory diseases, tonsil, thyroid, common cold, immune system. In other way, it gives calmness to the mind.


Make You Your Hero

We play kids yoga poses with little boys and girls which nurture their flexibility, boost strength, increase body balance. Regular yoga stretching reduces weight and build strength body. Healthy release of hormones control the height and growth of the kids and they develop attractive figure.


Feel Peace Zero Risk

Our yoga for kids connect children more deeply with inner-self and develop inner-peace through kids version of meditation. Kids yoga poses and meditation reduces stress, escalates positive attitude, decreases fidgeting, and increases focus on their positive activities. Yoga poses for kids are non-pharmacological and risks free if practiced as recommended.


Non-competitive and Non-judgmental

Our yoga classes for kids are absolutely non-competitive and non-judgmental which boost self-esteem and help kids to get ready physically and mentally for future struggles. They learn kids yoga poses as a group and proudly go home as an energetic team member.


Yoga Stage Shows to Improve Confidence

Kid yogis get the opportunity to showcase their yoga poses on stage at the front of yoga lovers. According to a research 82% parents felt that stage performance helped to improve the confidence levels of their kids. Our kids yoga stage shows help kids to remove performance anxiety, improve mental dexterity, social interaction and leadership skills. It has enormous impact on shy and low self-esteemed kids.


Kids & Family Yoga Class: Every Saturday 11:30 AM – 12:30 PM


What Our Yogis Say

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