Teens Yoga Classes in Mississauga Ontario

Improve Concentration Through Our Teens Yoga Classes in Mississauga
One in ten school going children develops ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). Millions of distractive students suffer by the same disorder. Special lessons do not fruitful enough and medication causes negative side effects. Actually this is neurological problem, not psychological.
Our yoga classes for teens is a sequence of exercise, pranayama, yoga poses, meditation and relaxation. During the practice of pranayama youth yogis follows their breath and it increases oxygen and energy in the body. Consequently attentions on breath improves concentration and nourishes brain activities.
Teens yoga postures includes sitting poses, standing poses, balancing poses, back and front bends, kneeling poses and these all also increase blood circulation and oxygen in the body and take a major role to improve mental concentration and resolve neurological issues.
Meditation in conjunction with pranayama and yoga postures release unnecessary thoughts and improves mental focus.
When teens relax their body and mind, anxiety and irrelevant thoughts go away and they learn to concentrate and think more clearly. We found that students who practise teens yoga regularly improve both behavior and school performance.
Mode of Healthy Communications – Ray Teens Yoga Classes Take Care Of It
The beauty of yoga is that it can be practised alone but practising with like-minded teens at yoga studio gives an opportunity to make friends having same goal. Our encouraging and non-judgemental environment helps teens to learn healthy communications and become more concerned to one another. Our stage performances open up the doors for social interaction and leadership skills.