Senior Yoga Classes in Mississauga, Ontario

Seniors face several challenges – life threatening illness, joint pains, extra weight, loneliness, anxiety, stress, mental disorder and many more. Researchers found that proper yoga practices reduces mortality rate by one-third. A senior who attends senior yoga classes, can beat the chronic diseases by up to 40 percent.
- Specially designed yoga classes for seniors include stretching, breathing, meditation, gentle yoga poses and relaxation to balance flexibility and spirit. With regular yoga practises, seniors develop better mobility and range of motion in their joints and spine.
- Elderly yoga classes help senior yogis to prevent heart disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes and all other health issues at their age.
- It is found that a 3-month senior yoga classes significantly improves respiratory function to senior and boost their energy levels.
- Yoga for seniors reduces stress, anxiety, depression and make all senior yogis happy. It improves sleeping habit and live a healthy happy life.