Boost Your Immune System With Yoga
A Sure Success Holistic Therapy
Your immune system is a controlled and well-ordered groupings of cells, tissues, and organs to defend harmful microorganisms, viruses and germs. Our bodies with poor immune system fail to resist infection, disease and other harmful biological invasions. Our immune system starts malfunctioning for stress, bad eating habits, disruptive lifestyle, diabetes, heart problems, cancer and many others. Medicine can work in short term with several side effects but Yoga can restore the regular functions of immune system with positive effects in your body and mind. Yoga does not mean only the yoga poses. it is must to practice Yoga to boost immunity. In our yoga classes in Mississauga we advise our yogis to follow 3 limbs to boost their immune system naturally-
- Pranayama (Breathing Techniques);
- Asana (Yoga Poses); and
- Dhyana (Meditation).
Let us first explore how to do yoga to boost immune system?
Yoga to Boost Immunity System:
The University of Oslo conducted a research and found that yoga poses affect gene expression of immune cells. The affect is noticeable immediately after practicing yoga (within 2 hours). Researchers conducted four consecutive yoga sessions for one group and another group was engaged with other physical activities. They took blood samples before and after yoga sessions. Researchers reported that yoga sessions influenced positively to 97 unique genes, whereas other physical activities affected only 24 unique genes.
Therefore it is must to practice Yoga Asana (Yoga Poses) to rid of medications once your immune system is down. Yoga poses lower stress hormones, help to supply more oxygen in blood, stimulate the lymphatic system to eject toxins from bodies optimizing our immune system.
Here are 5 key yoga poses to boost immune system and keeps diseases at bay.
Yoga Poses (Yoga Asana ) To Boost Immune System
- Legs Up The Wall (Viparita Karani): Viparita Karani boosts immunity and keeps stress away as you feel a sensation of well-being and calm doing it. It pumps blood to the legs, enlivening exhausted muscles from long hours of working.
Sit near a wall so that one hip is touching the wall. Using your hands for support, lean back and lower your body to the floor so that it lies perpendicular to the wall and swivel your legs up against the wall. Keep the buttocks close to or against the wall. Stay in the position 5 to 20 minutes. Please do not practice Viparita Karani pose if you are suffering from hernia, hypertension and glaucoma. - Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana): This pose resembles a raised hood of a cobra, therefore the name bhujanga (cobra)-asana. It tones down the digestive system, reproductive organs and lower abdomen as well. It enhances blood circulation.
Place your abdomen on the ground as you lie down. Your toes should touch together and your hands should stay on the sides. Position your face on the floor, looking straight in such a way that your chin is in contact with the ground. Slowly raise your trunk and head from the floor. Hold the pose for half minutes and you can repeat the pose up to 10 times. You should avoid this pose if you have carpal tunnel syndrome or you are suffering from back or wrist injury. This is also big NO for pregnant women. - Fish Pose (Matsyasana): The Matsyasana pose happens to resemble a fish. This asana is wonderful for improving your respiratory system. As you do this asana over time your rib cage should expand which will increase the depth of your breath. Avoid this pose if you have migraine, insomnia, neck injury, back injury or blood pressure.
As you lift your chest and position your arms underneath your body it will help your posture by improving defects like round shoulders. It should help improve your lower spine which will, in turn, ease any pressure on specific nerves. Stay for 15 to 30 seconds in this posture.
Some of the benefits are improved posture, less fatigue, reduces menstrual pain, headaches and anxiety. Awesome, right?
Find out how to do Fish Pose Yoga here. - Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): This should be the go-to yoga pose when you are feeling overwhelmed with stress. Keep a block underneath your forehead which will add to a sense of restoration and calm. You must avoid this pose if you are pregnant, you have high blood pressure and you are suffering from diarrhea.
It allows congested sinuses to drain. Downward Dog is a joy to experience, as muscles in the shoulders and chest release, and muscles in the upper back strengthen. Arms and legs awaken fully, calves release as you reach your heels towards the floor. Practice this pose from 1 to 3 minutes. - Plank Pose (Kumbhakasana): Start the pose on your hands and knees, and be sure that your wrists are situated under your shoulders. Next, tuck your toes as you take a step back with your feet so that your body and your head form a straight line. Bring your pelvic muscles inward to your spine, and at the same time, contract your abdominal muscles. Be sure your head is even with your spine. Avoid this pose if you have carpal tunnel syndrome.
The main benefit of this pose is that it helps to tone the chest area, the abdominal area, and the lower back. The plank pose also makes your spine muscles stronger, which improves your posture over time.
You can also practice Gomukhasana (Cow Face Pose), Ustrasana (Camel Pose) and Balasana (Child Pose) yoga to boost your immune system.
Please wait for next HealthyArts publication to boost your immune system practicing Pranayama (Breathing Techniques) and Dhyana (Meditations).
In our yoga classes in Mississauga, we advise our yogis to follow Yoga, Pranayama and Meditation to boost their immune system naturally. We also teach them how to practice all these yoga poses. To know more about our Yoga studio in Mississauga call us at +1 647-477-5777!